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Germiston Urban Precinct
Project: Germiston Urban Precinct Design Proposal
Location: Germiston Precinct, Johannesburg
Client: Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Team Members: Cenette Dippenaar
Status: Proposal Completed
The Germiston Civic Precinct proposal is centered around developing the precinct area so as to function as the Administrative Capital of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.
The quality of the development needs to be of a high standard as it is meant to prioritize the citizens and civitas.
The function of the development as a whole will be extended to include office facilities, retail, residential and a public library, with the idea that the precinct will begin to develop 24 hour use.
As the project impacts the many of the residents, businesses and employees within the area, it was vital that there was some communication with the community stakeholders, so as to determine what they needed and what within the proposal would not suit those needs.
Consultations were undertaken in the form of telephonic and face to face interviews with a range of stakeholders from Local and State Government and service authorities.
The list of projects that are proposed to be implemented within the precinct are broken into two separate groups of primary and secondary projects.
The primary projects would consist of: residential development and a parking garage, Germiston CCC, mixed use building (retail and Commercial), a hotel and public squares and street upgrading.
The secondary projects would consist of: the magistrates court, August Simmer building and Germiston Civic Center Tower which is to be the head office building.Primary Projects:
Project 1: Mixed Development & Multi-Level Parking Garage
This project has three aims, namely: to provide high quality mixed income and mixed typology development, to provide a multi-level parking garage for the EMM and Civic Precinct users and to provide office space units.
Project 2: City Library
The implementation of a library arose from the aim of providing a large, high quality inner city public facility, and in the interest of promoting education on top of the opportunities that the library provides, a Planetarium will be implemented within the building.
Project 3: Germiston CCC (SAAME Building Upgrade)
The upgrade of the SAAME building is aimed to take the form of a Customer Care Centre for the Germiston Area. In order for this to be achieved, the building needs to upgraded in terms of activation of the street level and public interface.
Project 4: Mixed Use Development
This development entails the redevelopment of an existing parking lot area into a mixed use building which is to provide good quality residential, retail/commercial and office facilities. It is aimed to introduce additional residential opportunities and other land uses that facilitate the use of the Civic Precinct on a 24 hour basis.
Project 5: Hotel
Along with fulfilling the role of high quality short term accommodation this facility should also promote positive interaction and activity with the library
located to its north east.
Project 6: Public Spaces Upgrade
This project in particular creates a vision for the precinct by providing a completed urban framework within which all projects fit, by creating good quality public space on land owned by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. This project can be broken down into three components, namely, the People’s Square, the Civic Square and the upgrading of the public streets and sidewalks. This will include the development of public squares or parks, roads, outdoor meeting spaces, modern street furniture, on street parking and public spaces and amenities.
Secondary Projects:
Project 7: Magistrates Court and Square
This project includes the development of the Magistrates Court, associated public square and public streets surrounding the site with the inclusion of retail/commercial activities on the ground floor.
Project 8: August Simmer Building Redevelopment and Extension
The proposed expansion of the building will also spill out into the redevelopment of the streets surrounding the building.
Project 9: Civic Tower
This project entails the development of additional office space for the EMM on the land that is currently occupied by the Germiston Civic Centre. This office space is to be accommodated within the available vacant space to the south and linked to the existing Civic Centre.
The benefits to the area and community will take the form of social, environmental and economic benefits. Social benefits will occur in the form of increased quality and quantity of services offered for education, leisure, culture and health. The development of such community facilities enhances opportunities for public transport and universal access. Environmental benefits will occur through the opportunity for harvesting rainwater, use of grey water and reduced car dependency. Economic Benefits will occur as a result of the sharing of common infrastructure and the opportunity to incorporate commercial tenancies and retail.