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Mall @ 55
Project: Mall @ 55 Landscaping
Location: Brakfontein 399-Jr, Centurion, Pretoria
Client: Anaprop Property Management
Design Node was approached to add value to the new Mall @ 55 development in terms of feature landscaping elements and softening the parking lot.The design proved to be a challenge overall as there was very little budge and resources for the project, and in many cases compromises had to be made. The addition of trees to the parking lot area was one of the biggest battles fought, but it was won in the end, and there were many trees implemented, including Olea europea Subsp Africana and Buddleja saligna which contribute vastly to the comfort of the space, as the existing site is as open as a wide African plain and receives a lot of harsh sunlight.
The rest of the landscaping was resourced and managed in such a way to create as little additional cost as possible, methods for this included bringing in pots from another project where they had extra to spare and using cuttings from plants in order to fill out the landscape.Instead of subtracting from the landscape, these methods began to create a valuable and uniquely African design, particularly in the implementation of hardy Aloe and succulent species, mixed with boulders removed from site, creating mounds of landscaping reminiscent of the undulating landscape of Pretoria.